Javonet JLupin Extension


Javonet JLupin Extension is the extension module for JLupin Next Server platform. JJE extends the capabilities of JLNS platform with the ability to host and execute .NET modules as JLNS applications.

JLupin Next Server

JLNS is a new Javaserver application running platform that simplifies the architecture and reduces its maintenance costs.What is more, it has all the functions associated with high performance, scalability and reliability of the IT environment.

  • Extreme performance
  • Zero downtime deployment
  • Built-in JVM and CLR multicontainer
  • Simplified & scalable architecture
  • Designed for the highest availability of microservices and SOA services

Javonet JLupin Extension Benefits.

Interoperability in SOA
Use single platform to host both .NET and Java applications in SOA or Microservices architecture.
Extreme Performance
Expose your .NET and Java services with extreme performance through XML, JSON or Binary protocols.
Easy Setup
Use Microsoft Unity dependency injection configuration to choose which objects should be exposed.

Download Extension

Try it yourself with JLupin Next Server Community Edition and Javonet Free Trial:


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Download Javonet JLupin Extension

Additional Resources

Javonet JLupin Extension tutorials:

How to install Javonet JLupin extension on JLupin Next Server
How to build and deploy .NET application on JLupin Next Server

For all the details regarding the JLNS platforms features, configuration and administration including the details for the application configuration files refer to JLNS documentation at: http://jlupin.com/documentation.html

If you have any additional questions regarding the development, deployment and management of .NET applications on JLNS platform contact our support department at: Contact Form