Oracle is Making Java EE Open


Oracle continues making great strides in the development of Java EE 8; with specifications almost done, the model implementation is expected to be delivered this summer. Even as we look forward to the 2017 JavaOne conference and Java EE 8 dispatch, the process of developing Java EE needs to be reassessed so as to realize a platform that is more active and quickly responds to technological demands and changes in the industry.

The huge success of Java EE technology is attributed to a very competitive market consisting of Java EE compatible products, extensive embracement of various technologies, a large environment of software tools and frameworks and availability of a large number of applications that add value to businesses and ultimate product users. Even though Java EE development is open source that is with contributions from the Java Community, usually this process appears less open, agile and flexible in comparison to similar open source software communities. The development process therefore needs to improve after Java EE 8 is delivered.

According to Oracle the best way to realize agility and flexibility is to shift technologies that make up Java EE such as model implementations and compatibility test kits to a foundation that is open-source. Oracle plans to look into this course of action by engaging the community, its licensees and various potential open source foundations. Even as Oracle strives to achieve this, they plan to continue the needs of developers, contributors, partners, licensees, customers, consumers and ultimate users. Additionally, Oracle will continue providing support for existing implementations of Java EE and also future Java EE 8 implementations. Oracle also intends to continue taking part in future Java EE developments through processes that are more open and not vendor dependent as this will encourage more involvement and inventiveness which will be beneficial to the entire community.

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