Invoking Static Methods

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To invoke the static method, first get the particular type and call invoke providing method arguments.
Assuming we have a custom .NET Framework DLL with the following class inside:

using System;

namespace TestNamespace
	public class TestClass
		public TestClass() { }
			Console.WriteLine("Displaying object from .NET destructor message");
		public static int MyStaticField { get; set; }
		public int MyInstanceField { get; set; }

		public static string SayHello(string name)
			return "Hello " + name;

		public int MultiplyByTwo(int arg)
			return arg * 2;

		public T MyGenericMethod<T>(T arg1)
			return arg1;
		public K MyGenericMethodWithTwoTypes<T, K>(T arg1)
			return default(K);

		public void MethodWithRefArg(ref int arg)
			arg = arg + 44;

		public string PassTypeArg(Type myType)
			return myType.ToString();

		public string MethodWithEnumArg(SampleEnum value)
			return value.ToString();

To invoke static method from this class:

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The invoke method allows you to call any static or method with or without arguments. Value-type arguments are automatically translated to appropriate types, and you can also pass referenced arguments. If method has no arguments you just call it using Invoke("methodName"). If called method expects arguments you can pass them as arguments to Invoke method.

Any calls to .NET or Java objects using Javonet can be shortened and simplified using Javonet Fluent interface.

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